The Aladi Aruna Foundation was started in the year 2007 in memory of Mr. Aladi Aruna – born in a humble family in a small village called Aladipatti, in Tirunelveli district. Mr. Aladi Aruna through his sheer hardwork determination and perseverance excelled in the fields of literature and politics both at the state and national level. He was very passionate about providing quality healthcare and education of highest standards to the rural and downtrodden.To fulfil Mr. Aladi Aruna’s lofty ideals the AAF has conducted numerous health camps, supports children who require life saving medical surgical treatment and provide educational material and scholarships to deserving underprivileged students. The foundation has launched a mobile health clinic to cater to the needs of the rural masses in the Tirunelveli district.
:: Message

The chairperson Dr. V. Balaji is a practicing Vascular surgeon at Chennai. He had studied and worked in the U.K. for nearly ten years and has traveled extensively. With a keen interest in teaching, it is ensured that the teaching and training will be of highest standards. The visiting faculty will impart a specialized coaching programme. The college will ensure that the students on completion will be recruited in to the best hospitals.
:: Message

Dr. Samantha Balaji MD, a paediatrician is one of the trustees. She engages in the administrative work of the school . Her keen areas of interest is to impart Health education and inculcating the importance of preventive healthcare to the students.
:: Message

Ms. Kavya Balaji trustee has just finished her BA, LLB at the OPJindal university. She plans to undergo a postgraduate program on Education policy . Her long term goal is to provide quality education in rural and urban communities; with a priority in ensuring that students from the various institutes from the Aladi Aruna Foundation will leave as global citizens and have the ability to change the world.

:: What's New
:: Graduation Ceremony 2023 Photos

Graduation Ceremony 2023 Photos

:: VOTE PLEGE 2023


:: Pongal Celebration

Pongal Celebration Photos

:: Lamp Lighting Ceremony

Lamp Lighting Ceremony Videos 1

Lamp Lighting Ceremony Videos 2

Lamp Lighting Ceremony Videos 3

:: Founders Day Celebration

Founders Day Photos

:: World TB Day Celebration

World TB Day Photos

:: Lamp Lighting Ceremony

Lamp Lighting Ceremony Photos

:: graduation day celebration

Graduation ceremony Photos

:: 10th College day celebration

College celebration photos

:: Result" 100% pass university examination"

100% pass in university examination

:: Placement

All students were placed in high-tech hospitals like Apollo hospitals

:: Students welfare Activities

Availing scholarships from various Governmental & Non Governmental Organization

  1. BC/MBC Scholarship

  2. SC,ST & SCA Scholarship

  3. First Graduate Scholarship

  4. Beedi Scholarship

  5. Farmer Scholarship

  6. Other scholarship
:: Other Activities
  1. Nil